Saturday, February 3, 2007


An old standby in raw cuisine, carrot soup is nourishing and easy to make. This recipe calls for pouring the soup over chopped sprouts and other vegetables. Alter this to suit your family's taste. If you choose to warm this soup, be mindful to keep it at or below 117 degrees farenheit because at 118 degrees and above, alive food's natural enzymes get destroyed.
  • Cut up 1/2 to 1 avocado per person.
  • Juice carrots to make 1 cup per person.
  • Add avocado and carrot juice to blender and blend to desired thickness.
  • Add cumin, salt and lemon juice to taste. Add optional garlic or shallot to taste. Blend.
  • You may pour over sprouts and/or chopped veggies in bowl.
  • As an alternative flavoring: Eliminate cumin and add 2 teaspoons grated gingerroot. (For spice lovers use both cumin and ginger.)
  • For a nutritious Seaweed Carrot Soup: Double the recipe for one person and add 1/2 cup dulse pieces and 1/2 cup clover or sunflower sprouts, blend. Serves 2.

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