Wednesday, May 27, 2009

from WE CSA member Leah... Thanks Leah!
So, I made a new recipe last night with the patty pans and it was delicious. It's vegetarian and except for the little bit of extra virgin olive oil I used to sauté, it's fat free. I followed it to the letter the first time, but would probably try some other veggies and perhaps a little bulgur wheat (cook first). Maybe even a spicy sausage another time for non-vegetarian.Also, here's the recipe I told you about for the flat leaf parsley & pistachio pesto slaw with raw fennel: If you don't use prosciutto, you need to salt it. Here's another recipe for fennel I didn't try, but it sounds wonderful -- although I'd use chicken or fish, not pork (will definitely try next time I get fennel):

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